Río Puerco y Jemez Alliance

Wetland Restoration in the
Valles Caldera National Preserve
Click on the image above to access the full pdf of the technical report!
Los Amigos de Valles Caldera, Keystone Restoration Ecology, and the Rio Puerco Alliance have worked (or are still working) on 13 projects since 2007 on the Valles Caldera National Preserve. The techniques described in the guide linked below address erosion and incision caused by headcuts and gullying of 1st order tributaries and slope wetlands. Slope wetlands includes ground-water fed wetlands (springs) with unidirectional flow. Headwater slope wetlands are the same in the headwater position within a watershed (fens). Restoration of the smallest tributaries has been proven to have a significant impact on watershed function at the Valles Caldera, and begins at the top of the watershed and proceeds downslope. Watersheds have similar patterns at many scales, and these techniques have focused on working on the smallest scale possible and at numerous locations.
We've worked through the years with a number of partners and supporters - including New Mexico Environment Department, US EPA, Forest Service, State of New Mexico, and foundation support (Wildlife Conservation Society) to restore wetlands, repair streams damaged in fires, reduce temperature, restore hydrologic functioning on various streams, and more. See Projects Sidebar to the left and the map above. This guide will outline the design process, the purpose of these sod restoration structures, and how to implement them, and will present results from the projects implemented in the Valles Caldera.