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 Healthy alternatives to junk food are hard to find on or near the Navajo Nation and surrounding area, but groups like RPA and their partner Hasbidito are working to effect positive change.


A highlight of our Navajo summer youth program and projects!


On April 6th, the Sierra Club, Rio Puerco Alliance, Ojo Encino Ranchers Committee, and Hasbidito joined friends and local community members from as far away as Crownpoint to plant several hundrend Cottonwoods and assorted shrubs along a stretch of the Ojo Encino Wash.

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This latest food summit is part of a growing interest in healthy foods. Other efforts in the region have included a recognized farm to school program, a demonstration ranch dedicated to offering hands on training, traditional food workshops, and a community derived and managed development group called Hasbidito. These and other efforts point to the importance of establishing local control and development of food systems in native communities.

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