Río Puerco y Jemez Alliance
Tri-Chapter Food and Energy Economic Survey Results
Community food and energy surveys were developed to compile household-level economic data to help with future economic and community planning.
Food Survey
The community food survey was developed to understand various economic and market behavioral
trends of the tri-chapter area. The economic data included information about the amounts
of money spent on food. Other information included number of trips to stores per month, which
stores were shopped at, and the types of produce and other foods purchased. The food surveys
were funded by a grant from the Commuity Food Program of the USDA’s National Institute of
Food and Agriculture.
Energy Survey
The energy survey was developed to understand types, uses, and amounts of energy sources utilized
by community households. This data also included the amounts of money spent on energy.
Additional data collected included housing types, insulation, and other energy-saving technologies.
The energy surveys were funded by a grant from Honor The Earth.